Thursday, March 3, 2011


If you're clever, you will assume from the title that this blog is going to be somewhat random. I've started blogs before but after a few months, I run out of things to say about the topic. Then I feel guilty. Guilt makes me avoid dong anything. Then a month or so passes and I realize that I have nothing more to say. Since this blog has no topic, I don't have to focus so perhaps I will be a better blogger.

What you will find here depends on my mood and what I feel like talking about. I am interested in a lot of different things and I may talk about all of them. Please become a follower of my blog (it's easy - there's even a button on the side to help you) and leave comments.  Feel free to agree or disagree or share some stuff that you find interesting. I want to hear what you have to say but don't be mean. If you are mean or bigoted or offensive, I will remove your comment and possibly send my revenge flock after you (see artist's rendition below).

You might find photographs, links and even pictures that I've made in Paint. I am a big fan of Allie Brosh and her use of Paint pictures in her blog. I have little ability to draw or paint the ordinary way but using a mouse, I can at least create something that looks like I'm a  five year old rather than 3. No, I'm not trying to copy Allie, that would be like shooting myself in the foot because she is very talented.

Revenge Flock for Mean People

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